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Trends in Books, Movies, & TV #1: Werewolves

Pop culture often comes up with themes that the population is currently obsessed with, and suddenly all the latest books, movies, and television match up. Sometimes, this produces some of the greatest stories of all time while others are a complete flop. Starting with werewolves, since that's what my books are about ;), I thought it would be fun to analyse some of the popular werewolf stories and let you know who i feel got it right and who got it wrong. Feel free to comment with your own favorites and the ones you cannot stand!

Blood and Chocolate - Right

I fell in love with this story through the movie and not the book, but the effect is still the same. the movie may have been a bit of a low budget teen movie, but it was hiding some amazing stories. Most of all, it was one of the best portrayals of werewolves in my opinion. The loup garou is the way I have always known werewolf lore. The wolves were beautiful, were not all monsters, and they were only susceptible to silver. The love story doesn't hurt at all, nor the fact that the main character was a werewolf and a female, which doesn't happen often.

An American Werewolf in Paris - Wrong

Look, I know this is considered a cult film of sorts. I get it. The guy was hot, it was cheesy and funny yet kind of scary at the same time. That's about as far as it goes.

Ginger Snaps - Right

I have seen only clips of this, but I can already tell i would love it. Again, girl power helps, but it's so much more than that. My little black heart can connect with these two young girls who like dark stuff and one ends up bitten by a werewolf and enjoys the transformation. C'mon, it's brilliant!

Teen Wolf - Wrong (Sorry)

I only know about the current version which is finally ending. My love for The Vampire Diaries led me to believe I would also love teen wolf. He is not an attractive wolf, i don't agree with some of the lore, and it's not the best acting. I know that many of you will disagree because you are hardcore fans, and that's cool. It is not my cup of tea, though.

Twilight - Right & Wrong

This is a complicated one because in the books, it becomes clear that Jacob and the other wolves are not actually werewolves. though, this is not revealed entirely until the end of the final book. In the movies, they didn't bother explaining. In the book, the lore is that actual werewolves were hunted to extinction by the vampires a long time ago because they were too uncontrollably violent. they were feral creatures with no humanity left. the wolf pack that Jacob belongs to, is actually full of spirit wolves which follows an old Native American lore about our spirits or souls being of an animal.

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