Funniest Typos in Literature
Even the best writers and editors can't always catch every mistake. Sometimes, little mistakes escape into the published copy of a book. I thought I would compile them here and give you all a good laugh! Feel free to comment with the funniest typo you've seen.
Karen Harper's The Queen's Governess
"In the weak light of dawn, I tugged on the gown and sleeves I'd discarded like a wonton last night to fall into John's arms."
'An American Tragedy' by Theodore Dreiser
"...harmoniously abandoning themselves to the rhythm of the music—like two small chips being tossed about on a rough but friendly sea."
"The Pasta Bible" by Silvio Rizzi and Tan Lee Leng
A recipe calls for "freshly ground black people."
King James Bible, 1631
"Thou shalt commit adultery."