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A Change of Plan

So, I know that I just released a post about what books you could expect from me next, but I apologize because I am about to throw that for a loop. As an explanation, Texas Roze has not been doing as well as I would have expected at this point, and I have done some hard thinking about what i need to do next to make this whole career thing happen. I was lucky enough to receive some helpful criticism from a reviewer at Tome Tender.

That is not to say that the book is bad or that I have lost hope; it;s quite the opposite. i have received some better insight into myself ad into the industry. I am confident that as I keep on trekking, there will be people that love Texas Roze. It is pristinely written, there is no question of that. It ahs come to my attention that it is an issue of genre and length.

If I was honest with myself, this book was meant as a test anyway; as a book to get my career started and my name out there. I meant it to be a simple project; planned with a formula I had become an expert at using when I ghostwrite for publishers of romance. However, it is this formulaic writing of romance that is leading to steamy scenes and certain points of drama that I never have liked. So, why was I forcing myself to write it? It was because I thought it would sell.

As an indie author, of course, i want my work to sell, but there is so much more to this career than that. I have been writing since I was a child because I enjoyed it, but there is nothing I enjoy about writing this sort of thing, especially when it was nothing more than a quick formula. The main criticism about it is that it is too short; readers will want more.

So, I have decided to do something I am more passionate about instead and release my first paranormal romance several months early. The excitement I felt in writing the outline is exactly what i needed to get my mojo back here.

As for Desert Runners, I have decided to attempt for a traditional publishing deal there because I believe it is the most marketable. No worries, it will see the light of day either way.

That being said, i am proud to introduce you to the book trailer for my very first paranormal romance; Brothers of Fang: The New Alpha. Also, be sure to visit the home page to sign up for my newsletter. You will receive a chance to win a free copy of The new Alpha by signing up!

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